General Synod
November Group of Sessions 2001
How I Voted

All motions were carried by Synod unless stated otherwise.

Dates of Groups of Sessions (as amended)

That this Synod, concerned at the perceived build up of urgent business that is then held back for lack of available debating time, and recognizing the unreasonable gap between the November and July sessions, request the Business Committee to alter the dates and duration of General Synod to:

- up to a week, usually from Monday to Friday, normally in early February, before Lent;
- up to a Friday to Tuesday in July;

and to keep in reserve provision for a third, shorter group of sessions to be held on the Monday to Wednesday in the week beginning the second Sunday before Advent.

in favour

The International Situation (as amended)

That this Synod, humbly aware of Western Christian complicity in historical injustices in the world, and recognising that people of all faiths are called to live in peace and mutual respect:

(a) condemn terrorism, as inimical to a free and democratic society based on the rule of law and recognize that it may legitimately be opposed in the last resort by the use of proportionate armed force;

(b) express its deep sympathy and offer the assurance of its prayers and practical support to those innocently caught up in violence whether in the USA or Afghanistan;

(c) encourage dioceses to support the witness of the Church of Pakistan and the humanitarian relief work of Christian Aid and those Church of England mission agencies serving in the region;

(d) call on all dioceses and parishes to begin or to continue their efforts alongside other Christians and people of all faiths in working for greater understanding and reconciliation between different communities, based on freedom of religion under the law and mutual tolerance and respect;

(e) pray for the peace of the world, believing that such peace requires not only a just settlement of long-standing concerns in Israel-Palestine and Iraq but also the commitment of governments to work for a peaceful and equitable world order under the auspices of the United Nations; and

(f) commend to dioceses for further reflection the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland's report Who is my Neighbour? as well as the Board for Social Responsibility's report Demanding Peace: A Church Response to the Al Aqsa Intifada.

in favour

Report on Budget for National Church Responsibilities (Vote 2) (GS 1435)

That this Synod endorse the application of Vote 2 in the manner described in the Report.

in favour

That the Synod request the Finance Committee to explore with the dioceses ways of increasing the Budget for 2003-2004 in order for the important work of the Archbishops' Council's staff not to suffer still further.

in favour (This latter motion was lost.)

For Such a Time as This: Report by a Working Party of the House of Bishops (GS 1407)

That this Synod:

(a) commend the report for study in the Church of England and encourage appropriate national and diocesan bodies to consider the implications of the report for mission and ministry; and

(b) invite responses to the report from ecumenical partners.

Synod voted to amend the original motion above to the following.

That this synod, disappointed that the report (GS 1407) has not taken the opportunity to examine thoroughly the offices of Reader, Pastoral Assistant and Church Army Officers, request that the report is referred to the Ministry Division for further consideration.

I voted in favour of the amendment and then in favour of the amended motion.

Forthcoming Financial Issues (GS 1433)

That this Synod, in light of GS 1433, give time before a debate on the report proposed in paragraph 52 to consider the impact on the Church in areas of multiple deprivation of our using formulae which take account only of personal income, parochial and diocesan reserves for the distribution to dioceses of central support.

in favour (The motion was lost.)

Generosity and Sacrifice: Report by the Stipends Review Group (GS 1408 and 1408A)

That this Synod

(a) ask the dioceses to respond to the questions contained in GS 1408A by 30 June 2002; and

(b) request the Deployment, Remuneration and Conditions of Service Committee of the Archbishops' Council to follow up the recommendations of the report contained in pages ix to xiv of GS 1408, taking account of the responses from dioceses and other interested parties, and to make a further report to this Synod.'

in favour

I also voted in favour of the following two amendments which were lost.

In paragraph (a) leave out the words "to respond" to "GS 1408A" and insert the words "to engage in a radical and creative debate on GS 1408 and GS 1408A and report to the Archbishops' Council"


In paragraph (a) after the words "GS 1408A" insert the words

"together with questions designed to elicit the views of the dioceses on the following specific issues arising under question 1 of GS 1408A:-

(a) whether the diocese supports the definition of stipend adopted by the House of Bishops in 1943 (paragraph 2.7 of Generosity and Sacrifice), rather than that set out in question 1;

(b) whether the diocese supports the provision for child allowances (paragraphs 3.10, 3.15 to 3.20); and

(c) whether the diocese supports the principle of differentials for

(i) bishops, deans and archdeacons (paragraphs 4.19, 4.34); and

(ii) other clergy with particular responsibilities (paragraphs 5.7ff)".

Clergy Pensions (as amended)

That this Synod

(a) ask the dioceses to consider the questions contained in the final paragraph of GS 1434 by 30 June 2002 in the context of the work of the Stipends Review Group as set out in GS 1408 and to respond to them; and

(b) request the Deployment, Remuneration and Conditions of Service Committee of the Archbishops' Council to follow up the issues set out in GS 1434 alongside those contained in GS 1408, taking account of the responses from dioceses and other interested parties, and to make a further report to this Synod.

in favour

The Way Ahead: Church of England Schools in the New Millennium (GS 1406) (as amended)

That this Synod ask

(a) the whole Church to build up the relationships described in the report, especially to ensure that Church schools are distinctively Christian institutions, rooted in the life of the parishes whilst being open to the diverse communities they serve;

(b) the dioceses actively to explore the opportunities for new Church schools, bearing in mind the Church of England's historic mission to serve the whole nation and its special care for areas of social disadvantage and the desirability for such schools to be ecumenically based;

(c) the whole Church at every level to promote the vocation to teach, and in partnership with the Church Colleges of Higher Education to explore ways of supporting the professional and spiritual development of Christian teachers;

(d) the Archbishops' Council to require each of its boards, councils and committees to discuss the implications of the report for their respective areas of responsibility and to draw up appropriate action plans to implement its recommendations; and

(e) the Archbishops' Council to monitor progress on the implementation of the report's recommendations and to report back to the Synod in due course; and that this monitoring of progress pay particular attention (i) to the enhancement of a distinctively Christian ethos and approach in Church Colleges of Higher Education; and (ii) to the appointment of committed Christian staff in these Colleges where these may be made on the basis of merit for these posts.

in favour

Peter Owen
last modified 2 December 2001
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