General Synod
List of Members
2021 elections
2015 elections
Membership of Major Councils, Boards and Committees of the Church of England
Online Papers
Dates of future groups of sessions
Reports of Meetings
(includes how I voted)
2010 Election
2005 Election
Women in the Episcopate
- reference to the dioceses 2014 - voting figures
My General Synod Election Addresses
September 2010
September 2005
September 2000
September 1995
Speech to Liverpool Diocesan Synod opposing the Anglican Communion Covenant
(March 2012)
Amendments to Common Worship main volume
Choosing Diocesan Bishops in the Church of England
Deans of English Cathedrals
Church in Wales bishops
Scottish Episcopal Church bishops
English Bishops
House of Bishops
Historical Lists
Current English diocesans
Vacant diocesan sees
Lords Spiritual
Current English suffragans
Vacant suffragan sees
Old Postcards of Southend-on-Sea and District
My Flickr photographs
My Erdős Number
Project Canterbury Transcriptions
list of updates to this site
(last update 16 Feb 2025)
This page was last updated on 19 January 2022.